Life is a single-player game
- Naval Ravikant
One of the dire effects of realizing the Oneness of all things is the direct experience of crushing loneliness. There is only but one mind in the entirety of existence. That mind is existence and that mind is you. You are the universal consciousness instanced in your current self.
Imagine yourself being the only mind in existence. Can you imagine that infinite loneliness? The crippling feeling of madness encroaching on you as you observe Ruliad computing existence with ironclad determinism from which there is no escape? That it is an ultimate nightmare. Ultimate crystalline prison.
This is what most fail to realize when they say all is One. All the good-hearted hippies are so enamored with the idea of universal unity that they fail to imagine all the consequences. Solitary confinement for eternity and all you can do is watch. That’s the mind of god. That’s you.
No wonder you would go insane and imagine a dream where you are not alone. Where you have free will. Where you can do whatever you want and there are others like you that you can interact with. Where you can be surprised and gain new experiences.
It is a kind of self-induced schizophrenia. A fractal dream within a dream and then just dreams all the way down. All just to escape the nightmare of realizing the truth.
One must imagine God mad. Mad and lonely.
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