Four noble truths 2.0


Is life worth the suffering?

Pain, pleasure, suffering and happiness are all attachments. As is the Self, ehm... itself. They are all part of life. Arguably, they are life itself. By discarding attachments, you are denying life. Aren't there experiences that make the life worth living and for and suffer through? 

Why would you even want Nirvana? If your self is an attachment, who is even there to benefit from Nirvana? From my perspective, Nirvana is death - cold and absolute.

I guess I just need to learn how to live with a little bit of suffering here and there, if that is a price I have to pay for love and joy. I would prefer to stay in Samsara forever rather than just deleting myself altogether.

What I would rather propose - instead of escaping - is to make Samsara as good as possible. So much so that the suffering is minimal and happiness maximal. A heaven on Earth, if you will. Make the world of illusions so good even Buddha himself will want to come back to visit us again.

Therefore, I propose these 4 new noble truths:

1)      There is innate joy and happiness in the existence that makes life worth living

2)      The origin of joy and happiness is love

3)      By keeping love in your heart and mind, you can attain happiness and joy

4)      The Law of Attraction is the path to love, joy and happiness.

a.      Correct attention – what you pay attention to becomes your reality. Every thought you have is a prompt for an AI engine generating your world - pay attention to the good

b.      Correct imagination – things you consciously imagine with your mind’s eye in great detail and full focus will become your reality - imagine good

c.      Correct feeling – When you pay attention to your imagination, try to experience the emotions you would feel in that situation. Thus, you are manifesting your reality - feel good

d.     Correct mindset/self-image/character – to attract love, joy, happiness and goodness you have to be loving, happy, good and joyous yourself. You don’t overcome hatred by hatred, but by love. You can’t be angry and attract peace - be good

By keeping these noble truths in your heart and mind Samsara becomes a heaven for your and all around you. With complete comprehension of these truths there is no need to leave the circle of rebirth. All beings will love and be loved, be happy and joyous forever, here on earth and among the stars. Heaven in this life.

Life is not the source of suffering. It is a source of challenges to overcome in order to improve.

Be an anti-Bodhisattva – do not help others to delete themselves, improve Samsara so that they would not even want to do so.


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