Attention is the currency of reality
What you pay attention to is what you are buying from reality into your life - quite literally. The name of that currency is NOW. Spend your time wisely. Change your focus right away and every time you can. Treat it as the most important investment of your life.
Even a small shift of balance in your NOW investment portfolio can bring you huge returns. And it has a big compound interest. The better you invest your attention, the better your life will be.
What you pay attention to grows. What you invest your time into is what you summon into your life. Be very picky with how you spent your NOWs. Pay attention to the good things and your life will be good. Stop spending your valuable focus on things that make you feel bad or angry.
I can't recommend enough to tune out of every news channel and every political agenda - they are terrible investments. They are just trying to scam you out of your coins. You can never get anything good for your money there.
NOW is the energy of creation. One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone and anything is the gift of your attention. A single minded focus is the most powerful magic. Nothing exists if you don’t observe it. Ten thousand things compete for your attention - they become real only with your investment.
Be picky! Invest into what makes you happy. You can even just imagine it. The power of positive imagination is terribly underrated. Focus on your dreams. Pay attention to the most beautiful visions you can evoke and see them materialize in your reality.
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